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2. Wien Energie Halbmarathon - 22. 4. 2001
Suggestions, corrections or additions may be send to Andreas Kreuzinger [E/G]
Also have a look at the legal notes [E] and the privacy policy [E].
General information about this half marathon:
Infos about my participation:
- my start number: 637
- my place: 1381
- my place in my category (male - general age-group): 222
- my time: 2:06:50 (netto), 2:07:09 (brutto)
The result page [G] lists this information.
- lap times:
- 29:59
- 31:52
- 32:22
- 32:35
- that means an average speed of 9.98 kilometre per hour and a average
time of 6 minutes per kilometre.
first release: 23.4.2001
last update: 23.09.2001
created by:
Andreas Kreuzinger [E/G]
legal notes [E] and privacy policy [E] / Benutzungshinweise [G] und Datenschutz [G]