Welcome @ skater.priv.at

Four wheels good, eight wheels better

top of page [E] skater homepage [E] userlist [E]
legal notes [E] and privacy policy [E] /
Benutzungshinweise [G] und Datenschutz [G]

The user of this server are listed in the userlist [E].
You are student at the Vienna University of Technology [E/G]? Then you should read about the LBR service [G].
There are some server statistics [E].
You wanna know on what sort of hardware this server is running on? Have a look at the hardware list [E].
If you are looking something about skating or usenet, take a look at andy's homepage [E].

top of page [E] skater homepage [E] userlist [E]
legal notes [E] and privacy policy [E] /
Benutzungshinweise [G] und Datenschutz [G]

Current initatives that you should support:
Wau Holland (*20.12.1951 +29.07.2001) [G] Austrian Big Brother Awards [E/G] NO ePATENTS [E] SELFHTML und Freedom for Links ziehen vor Gericht fuer die Freiheit der Links und gegen den Abmahnwahn im deutschen Internet [G] Sign The Linux Driver Petition [E] Support the OpenDVD campaign [E] Project RC5 [E]
Project RC5 [E]
Software used for presenting this site:
[The GNU Project] [E] Linux Operating System [E] Apache Webserver Project [E] Vi Improved [E] Website META Language [E] gimp [E] gPhoto2 - The GNU digital camera application [E]
Supported initiatives:
Best Viewed With Any Browser [E] This site is Lynx compatible [E] Vote against SPAM! [E] Verein für Internet-Benutzer Österreichs [E/G] The European Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email [E] Freedom for Links [E]

top of page [E] skater homepage [E] userlist [E]
legal notes [E] and privacy policy [E] /
Benutzungshinweise [G] und Datenschutz [G]

URL: http://skater.priv.at/
first release: 12.4.1999
last update: Sun Apr 15 23:45:25 2001
page hosted at ak.dbai.tuwien.ac.at [E]
generated by wml 1.7.4 (06-Oct-1999) on skater.priv.at [E] at Tue Sep 11 13:47:55 2001
created by: Andreas Kreuzinger [E/G] (click here to get my email address)
legal notes [E] and privacy policy [E] / Benutzungshinweise [G] und Datenschutz [G]