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Austrian Big Brother Awards 2000

Austrian Big Brother Awards
Suggestions, corrections or additions may be send to Andreas Kreuzinger [E/G]
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On October 26th, 2000, about 400 people met at the Flex [G] to watch a presentation of awards. But noone of the winner were present. Why? One reason may be that the Big Brother Awards are mainly negativ prizes. It's a prize for disrespecting privacy or for supporting that. (Some countries are nominating positive prizes for privacy protection.)

Usually everyone can be nominated if he meets the criteria. And there are a few categories, so everyone get's a chance to become nominated.
But usually it's not a honour to win or even to become nominated because it's not a positive prize. So this negative advertising brings only a negative image. And that's what most persons and firms are afraid of.

How does it work? First there is a nomination period. After that, a jury selects the best (or worst - choose the proper word) candidate. And then the winners are presented and can receive their prize. If they want them.

Last year noone of the winner were present. So the awards were handed over [G] to people who tried to bring them to the winner.

As I wrote, noone of the winner were present this year. But this year the prizes disappeared in the Donaukanal (a dirty river which is running through Vienna, located near the Flex [G]). The prizes walked or were kicked [G] into the Donaukanal and maybe that's symbolic for the persons and organisations which don't respect other people's privacy: They should disappear (it doesn't have to be a dirty mud, but if they come from there and feel at home, why not go there?) and if they are not doing it, they have to be kicked.
More picture can be found here.

Oh, if you missed the event, here are some informations

If you are looking for a report of the award presentation in 1999, have a look at the Austrian Big Brother Awards 1999 [G].
More information can be found at the Austrian Big Brother Awards [E/G] website. There are also the nomination list [G], the winner list [G] and a report [G] of the awards in 1999.

The German Big Brother Awards [G] and the Swiss Big Brother Awards [E] were presented on the same day. The International Big Brother Awards [E] have been presented earlier this year.

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first release: 27.10.2000
last update: 14.01.2001
created by: Andreas Kreuzinger [E/G]
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